Last updated at Tue, 20 Jun 2023 19:12:55 GMT

神奇的 不再有赎金计划 celebrates its fifth anniversary today 和 so we just wanted to take a moment to talk about what it has accomplished 和 why you should tell all your friends about it.

The name pretty much says it all — No More Ransom aims to help organizations avoid having to pay ransoms for cyber attacks 通过提供 guidance for defending against attacks, 将受害者与执法部门联系起来, 最重要的是, 通过提供 免费解密工具. Just think about that for a second … you get hit by ransomware 和 you get a dem和 for a ransom payment of tens of thous和s of dollars, 或更多的. 最近我们看到 ransom dem和s go up as high as tens of millions of dollars. But there’s a chance that rather than having to shell out piles of your hard earned cash (in crypto form), 你可以, 事实上, get what you need for free with minimal fuss or effort.

听起来好得令人难以置信,对吧? Like maybe you’re thinking that they only have decryptor tools for old encryptors that aren’t really being used anymore? 好吧, 尽管我今天才五岁, No More Ransom’s tools have already been downloaded more than 六百万次,并有 saved organizations an estimated $900 million in ransoms that didn’t have to be paid. 事实上,该项目提供了一个惊人的 121个免费工具,这 解密151个勒索软件家族. So we’re talking about a project that is having a profound impact every day. 看到? You should totally check it out 和 tell all your friends about it!

The Project is a great example of what can be achieved with effective public-private partnership. 主要的支持者是 欧洲刑警组织, the Dutch Government, McAfee 和 Kaspersky. 他们现在已经招募了大约 170个其他合作伙伴 来自执法部门, 私营部门, 以及世界各地的非营利组织,这 I’m guessing goes a long way towards helping them stay up to date with malware samples 和 decryption tools. Special shout outs should also go to Amazon Web 服务 和 Barracuda for hosting the site.

Here’s the thing though, recently I co-chaired the 勒索软件专责小组 (RTF),由 安全与技术研究所要想出 建议 for reducing ransomware on an international, societal level. As part of the RTF’s investigations into what is happening in the ransomware l和scape, we spoke to numerous organizations that have suffered ransomware attacks, 以及, many of the entities they rely on to help them respond — law enforcement, 网络保险公司, 事件反应者, 法律顾问. We were surprised to discover that very few of the organizations we spoke with knew about the 不再有赎金计划 or thought to look there for 免费解密工具 before paying the ransom. This seemed to be particularly true in the US. 现在授予, the tools have been downloaded 6 million times, so definitely some folks do know to look there, 经常受到执法团队的鼓励, but there are clearly also many people 和 organizations who don’t know about it 和 should.

I suspect that the astonishing ‘six million’ figure is less about awareness 和 more about how incredibly prevalent ransom attacks have been over the past few years,这 is why this project is so important 和 valuable. So help the 不再有赎金计划 celebrate its birthday by telling everyone you know about it. You can casually drop that $900 million saving stat into conversation — it’s so impressive I had to mention it twice.

If you’re interested in hearing more of me being incredibly enthusiastic about the Project, check out this week’s special edition of our Security Nation podcast. 它的特色是对菲利普·阿曼的采访, Head of Strategy at the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3), 它是欧洲刑警组织的一部分.

As a tease for the interview, we’ll give Philipp the final word on the 不再有赎金计划:

“No More Ransom offers real hope to the victims, 和 also delivers a clear message to the criminals: the international community st和s together with a common goal – to disrupt this criminal business model 和 to bring offenders to justice.”